Governor Mangubhai Patel reached Khadi Gramodyog Bhawan located at Jawahar Chowk on Monday to participate in the Khadi Mahotsav. He apprised himself about various products of Khadi Gramodyog displayed at Khadi Lounge of Khadi India, Bhopal. He purchased Khadi products in the lounge.
On arriving at the showroom, Governor Patel was welcomed by the officials of Khadi Gramodyog Department by presenting him Angavastram. The Governor garlanded the statue of Mahatma Gandhi with a cotton garland. The Governor operated the spinning wheel and loom. A replica of the charkha (spinning wheel) was presented to the Governor as a souvenir.
It is noteworthy that Khadi Mahotsav has been organiced from Gandhi Jayanti October 2 to October 31. Mahotsav is being organised by Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Union Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.