Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal met five para-athletes of the national Capital who won medals for India at the 16th International Dragon Boat Championship (IDBF), 2023 held in Pattaya, Thailand, at his residence on Monday.
The CM congratulated these athletes for winning medals for the country and encouraged them to bring more laurels in future. During this interaction, the athletes drew the CM’s attention to the lack of adequate facilities in Delhi for boat competitions.
On their request, the CM instructed Sports Minister Atishi to ensure necessary facilities are provided earnestly. Kejriwal affirmed his commitment to the athletes and the development of water sports and training facilities for both the Olympics and Paralympics in the quest for winning gold medals.
Kejriwal stated using ‘X’(formerly Twitter), “Met all the para-athletes of India who won gold medals in the World Dragon water sports championship and live in Delhi. These players practice at Sonia Vihar Water Sports Club. I have given orders to the concerned minister that the government will provide all the facilities that these players need to prepare for the future. I wish all the players all the best for the future.”
The para-athletes who won medals in the 16th IDBF Dragon water sports championship informed Kejriwal that they are not receiving adequate facilities in Delhi to prepare for boat competitions. The para-athletes mentioned a lack of suitable lakes and boats for rowing in Delhi, as well as the absence of a training center. The athletes stated that they do not have sufficient equipment for training for competitions like the Olympics. They expressed that with better equipment and infrastructure, they could perform well in events like the Olympics.
Taking the issues of para athletes seriously, Kejriwal directed Atishi to ensure necessary facilities are provided earnestly. The Chief Minister also expressed his earnestness in providing additional facilities in the future, enabling athletes residing in Delhi to have better preparation for competitions like the Olympics and Para Olympics.