DGP Anurag Gupta chaired a special meeting to make law and order and crime control more effective in Ranchi district here on Saturday. The meeting was attended by IG and DIG (South Chotanagpur Range), SSP, Ranchi, SP (City), SP (Traffic), SP (Rural), all senior police officers of the district, station in-charges and senior officers of traffic police.
The DGP gave strict instructions to all the police personnel to always wear name plates along with uniforms in their respective police establishments. He emphasized that it is the duty of every police personnel to behave well with all the visitors coming to the police establishments and to listen to their problems and take prompt and lawful action to resolve them. He said that it is very important to have sensitivity and sympathy in the behaviour of the police towards the citizens.
Giving top priority to women safety, he directed to ensure adequate lighting and periodic checking and monitoring of CCTV cameras at all transport points, such as bus stands, railway stations, and other public places. He said that police personnel will have to be more sensitive and vigilant towards women's safety. He directed to give top priority to prompt action in cases of women harassment and crimes.
To make crime control effective, the DGP ordered to prepare list of former criminals, continuously collect intelligence on the activities of criminals and kept an eye on their suspicious activities, and conducted raids every day under a special campaign for the arrest of warrantees.
All police personnel were especially directed to take strict action against property-related, organized crime and narcotics. It has been resolved to adopt a zero tolerance policy for complete prevention of distribution and purchase-sale of drugs. Police have been instructed to take strict action against those involved in the production, transportation, storage, and sale of drugs. Also, instructions were given for quality research. For this:
A strategy has been prepared to collect information of criminals involved in the drug trade and dismantle their network. Special teams will be formed to identify and arrest the main accused (kingpins) involved in the drug trade.
Special instructions were given to identify land mafia, land brokers and settle land dispute related cases on priority basis.
The Director General said that if even a single real land mafia is found missing from the list, strict action will be taken against the concerned police station in-charge. Pending cases related to land dispute will be reviewed and land mafias will be arrested and legal action will be taken against them.
To improve the traffic system in the city, the DGP instructed for regular deployment of traffic police on every road, square, and intersections. For this, special teams will be deployed which will monitor the traffic. Violation of traffic rules like riding without helmet, overspeeding, and wrong parking will be curbed by running a special campaign.
Instructions were also given to install CCTVs at maximum places in the district such as petrol pumps, marketing complexes, apartments, banks, business establishments, bus stands, railway stations etc. public places by making intensive efforts. On this occasion, the DGP appealed to the public to cooperate with the police and immediately inform the police about any suspicious activity. He said that dialogue and cooperation between the police and the public plays an important role in crime control.
At the end of the meeting, the DGP asked all the DySPs and Station Incharges of the district to perform their responsibilities seriously as a team and to work diligently.
He ordered them to play an active role in maintaining law and order. He expressed confidence that these measures will prove helpful in controlling crime and strengthening the security system in Ranchi district.