Dhanbad Lok Sabha MP Dhullu Mahto on Sunday said that he would hold dharna against private hospitals of Dhanbad who are looting poor by misuse of Ayushman health card and giving inflated bills to paitents .
Talking to media here at Dhanbad, Mahto said soon after current session of parliament ends he would holding dharna and would ask deputy commissioner to fix rate of ICU, CCU and other faciliites of private hospital and nursing homes so that poor may be saved from cheating attitude of such hospitals. In same way he would also see that BCCL hospitals treat paitents inhouse hospitals rather that reffering each and evey case to private hospitals.
The MP praised the union budget and gave details of what the infrastructure facilities Jharkhand would be getting in current financial year. He termed the budget as budget aimed at upliftment of poor of country.
Replying to a query Mahto said, " the union civil aviation minister has assured him that as soon as state government sends proposal for aerodrome in Dhanbad and identifies needed land for it , his ministry would give a nod for construction of aerodrome in Dhanbad."