In a proactive measure to safeguard Punjab’s cotton industry, the state Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Gurmeet Singh Khudian on Friday conducted an extensive field tour in Mansa district. Accompanied by senior officials and local representatives, Khudian inspected cotton fields across several villages, including Ramnagar Bhathal, Jhunir, and Khiali Chehlan Wali.
The Minister reported that recent surveys of 198 locations in Mansa district showed no hotspots of pink bollworm infestation, although three areas exceeded the Economic Threshold Level (ETL) for whitefly damage.
He emphasized the importance of continuous monitoring and pest management, revealing that 128 surveillance teams have been deployed across multiple districts to oversee cotton crop health.
Khudian also highlighted the efforts of 274 field teams in Bathinda, Fazilka, Muktsar Sahib, and other regions, which are actively advising farmers on the use of recommended insecticides and irrigation practices. The Minister assured that the department will ensure regular oversight and effective application of pest control measures to protect Punjab’s vital cotton crops.