A five-day training program on diagnosing infectious animal diseases was inaugurated on Monday, at the Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, Jabalpur.
The program aims to provide detailed knowledge of traditional and modern diagnostic techniques to 20 practicing veterinary officers from various districts. This training will help them diagnose and treat diseases more accurately, quickly, and effectively, benefiting livestock farmers across the state. Improved animal health will enhance productivity, reduce economic losses, and increase farmers' income.
The training program is financially supported by the Madhya Pradesh Government's Animal Husbandry and Dairy Department. The event was attended by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Mandeep Sharma as the Chief Guest, along with Dr. Sunil Nayak (Director, Extension Education) as the Special Guest, Dr RK Sharma (Dean), and Dr. Giridhari Das (Head of the Department and Training Coordinator).
In his address, Vice-Chancellor Dr. Mandeep Sharma emphasized that accurate diagnosis is the key to effective treatment, a principle widely accepted in the scientific community. He highlighted that accurate diagnosis is crucial for treating and preventing pathogenic diseases in both humans and animals, yet it remains one of the most neglected areas in veterinary science.
Bacterial, viral, helminthic, and hemoprotozoal infections severely impact the rural economy. Infectious diseases in livestock often appear in both clinical and sub-clinical forms, with the latter being more common and difficult to diagnose. Dr. Sharma pointed out that even well-nourished and well-managed infected animals fail to reach their full productivity due to compromised immune systems, making them more susceptible to further infections. While veterinarians can usually identify clinical cases, detecting sub-clinical conditions is far more challenging.
This training program presents a significant opportunity for veterinary officers across the state. It will enhance expertise in animal disease diagnosis while also contributing to the strengthening of Madhya Pradesh's rural economy.