A capacity-building workshop was recently organized at Telco Club, Jamshedpur, by Wetlands International South Asia, Tata Motors, and Shrushti Conservation Foundation. The event aimed to promote wetlands conservation and waterbird monitoring through increased awareness and active participation from citizens.
The workshop, held on January 25, was graced by Shaba Alam Ansari, Conservator of Forests, Jharkhand Forest Department, alongside other officials from the forest department and representatives from Tata Motors.
Pranav Kumar from Tata Motors shared his insights on biodiversity conservation across India, while Dr. Vijaya Bharat, a prominent local birder and member of the State Asian Waterbird Census Network, provided valuable expertise throughout the session.
Key facilitators, Arghya Chakrabarty from Wetlands International South Asia and Mrugank Prabhu from Shrushti Conservation Foundation, highlighted the significance of wetlands, the role of waterbirds in assessing wetland health, and the importance of citizen and volunteer involvement in the Asian Waterbird Census.
The workshop concluded with a constructive discussion and the development of a survey implementation plan set to be conducted in January and February.