Sea buckthorn - the miracle berry soon on local shelves

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Sea buckthorn - the miracle berry soon on local shelves

Monday, 11 April 2016 | RADHIKA NAGRATH | Haridwar

According to a Greek legend, war-torn horses were set free to die a natural death. Soldiers were shocked when the horses returned from the forests of sea buckthorn gaining full of health and strength with radiant, shiny fur. For this reason they named it Hippophae Rhamnoides, “tree that makes horses shine”. This miracle plant found in India in leh, ladakh regions and higher Himalayan ranges near Badrinath, has become the choice of the scientists of late with its rich resources of Omega 7 and vitamin C.

Notably during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Sea Buckthorn was used to help heal the skin of burn victims. Russian Cosmonauts used sea buckthorn as part of a special nutrition program to fight the intense radiation exposure found in space. On account of rich Vitamin C content, China designated its Sea Buckthorn sports drinks “Shawikang” and “Jianibao” as the official beverages for its athletes at the Seoul Olympic games in 1988, and Russian cosmonauts also were supplied with Sea Buckthorn beverages, to enhance their health and resistance to stress.

Tibetan locals call Sea Buckthorn “life Oil” and regard it as powerful all-inclusive wonder oil for internal and external use. Sold mainly in the form of Sea buck thorn oil and juice on a small scale by a few companies, plans are afoot to make it in bulk quantity in India. Speaking to the Pioneer, head of Extraction unit at Patanjali food and herbal park in luxor village, R S Shukla said, “With its multitudinous benefits, we are planning to launch the tea granules made out of the sea buck thorn leaves added with other herbs. And the juice made by this herb is a wonderful medicinal energy drink for all age groups.”

It is pure source of Omega Fatty Acids 3, 6, 9 and 7, making it a vegetarian option for Fish oil added Shukla. This “miracle berry” also features the elusive and rare Omega-7 fatty acid and the highest antioxidants among all super fruits. “A research study on this plant conducted by our team showed 26 per cent improvement in skin elasticity, 49 per cent in skin moisture and 9.2 per cent improvement in skin depth of people,” said Shukla.

When asked if the plant would perish if its use is commercialized, Shukla said, “Due to availability on high altitudes only, only 20-25 per cent harvesting has been done. It grows on desert ice as a wild shrub, there is no dearth of the fruit.”

Sea Buckthorn is the world’s most potent plant source of the elusive Omega-7 fatty acid.

The plant is known to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, is immune system modulator, strengthens the Cardiovascular System and Mucous Membrane Tissue Regenerator.

How does the berry help gaining healthIJ

A study says that sea buck thorn is beneficial in lowering lDl (bad cholesterol) and raising HDl (good cholesterol). The lower C-reactive protein present in the plant fruit lowers risk of heart attack. It aids in blood sugar regulation in diabetics and improves skin tone and texture, improves hair and nail texture and speed growth - A real beauty berry.  It also aids in digestion and eases dry-eye syndrome (Sjogren’s Syndrome), repairs mucous membranes

A comparison with the common vegetables and fruits makes one understand the high value of this plant. Carotenoids or Vitamin A found in 100 gm of carrot is 20 mg  while sea buck thorn of same quantity has 70mg of carotenoids. Omega -7 concentration known to protect heart is just 0.24 per cent in milk while this forest berry has 40 per cent on an average. Oranges known source of Vitamin C have 60 grams of Vitamin C per 200 gm of fruit while this wonder berry has 690 mg. Colour of both the fruits is same but Sea buck thorn juice has a much better feel after intake. Give it a try.

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