6 Easy Ways to Control Your Dandruff

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6 Easy Ways to Control Your Dandruff

Wednesday, 13 September 2017 | Agencies

6 Easy Ways to Control Your Dandruff

The problem of dandruff is not an uncommon one. Almost all men and women suffer from the issue sometime or the other. While for some the problem is chronic; for others it is a temporary problem mostly in the winter months. Wearing dark clothes is a problem as the white flakes appear on the shoulder area and the collar area, making it look really ugly.

If you want to get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp, here are some easy home remedies, which can help you:

1: Baking soda– Baking soda proves to be really useful for treating the problem of dandruff. This is because the ingredient helps in exfoliating the scalp gently as it acts as a scrub. The dead skin cells are removed from the scalp. Along with being an exfoliant, this ingredient also has anti-fungal properties, which helps in scalp soothing and minimizes itching and redness. Just add baking soda to the shampoo to reap its benefits.

2.Tea tree oil–Tea tree oil has been used since a long time for treating the problem of dandruff. This is because this natural oil has the capability of fighting bacterial and fungal infections successfully. While shampooing your hair, add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil in the same. Wash the shampoo normally with water. Results can be seen within short period of time.

3. Aloe Vera–The goodness that Aloe Vera offers is not unknown. Along with having cooling effects, this natural ingredient helps in exfoliating the scalp successfully. With anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, it helps in treating the problem of dandruff from the roots. Apply freshly extracted Aloe Vera gel and apply the same on the scalp. Use a mild or anti-dandruff shampoo for washing it off. For the cooling effects, problem of inflammation and irritated scalp can also be handled with this ingredient.

4. Vinegar–Vinegar can help in treatment of dry and itchy scalp and skin. Dandruff causing bacteria and fungus are also killed with vinegar application. Vinegar is high on acidic content and this is the reason it helps in reducing flaking drastically. Take equal quantity of white vinegar and water and mix the same. Apply the solution to the scalp and let it be there for about half an hour. Wash it thoroughly with water after that for getting amazing results.

5. Neem– Neem plays a crucial role in dealing with various kinds of skin conditions. If you check closely you will find that almost all skin medicines contain neem extracts as it abounds in antifungal and antibacterial qualities. Since dandruff is fungal infection, neem works excellently well for treating the condition. Take a bowl of water and boil the same with some neem leaves in it. Apply the water on the scalp and let it remain like that for some time. Don’t use concentrated neem paste on scalp as it might cause skin irritation.

6.Salt Massage–Salt is a kitchen essential and found in every home. But did you know that this ingredient could prove to be an excellent home remedy for dandruff. Well yes, salt is an excellent exfoliating agent and helps in removing dead skin cells from the scalp. In case the scalp secretes excess oil and sebum, it is absorbed by the salt as well. You can also get relief from constant scalp itchiness and irritation. Take about 3 tablespoons of salt. For about 5 minutes, massage the same on the scalp. Shampoo immediately to wash off the dry flakes.

All the above-mentioned remedies use only natural ingredients and are completely safe to use. There is no fear of any harmful side effects.

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