N Korean hackers mine cryptocurrency on Apple

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N Korean hackers mine cryptocurrency on Apple

Wednesday, 27 March 2019 | IANS | Moscow

N Korean hackers mine cryptocurrency on Apple

Expanding its malicious operations on Apple's macOS, the North Korean hacking group Lazarus is targeting financial sectors, especially the cryptocurrency businesses.

The hacking group has been using Microsoft-owned task automation and configuration management framework -- PowerShell -- to control Windows systems and macOS malware for Apple users, Russian cyber security firm Kaspersky wrote in a blog post on Tuesday. 

"They have developed custom PowerShell scripts that communicate with malicious command-and-control (C2) servers and execute commands from the operator," the post said. 

The malware then gets distributed via documents prepared to attract the attention of cryptocurrency professionals.

"Apple products are popular among successful Internet startups and fintech companies, and this is why the malicious actor built and used macOS malware," it said. 

The hacking group also appears to be working with the same developers to expand to other platforms, because some of the features have remained consistent as its malware evolves. 

"We'd therefore like to ask Windows and macOS users to be more cautious, exercise extra caution when dealing with new third parties, installing softwares and never ‘Enable Content' (macro scripting) in Microsoft Office documents, received from new or untrusted sources," the post informed. 

Lazarus has been linked to a string of cyber attacks on businesses, banks and government agencies across the world, including the 2016 Sony hack and the WannaCry ransomware outbreak in 2017. 

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