Thawing out

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Thawing out

Friday, 24 November 2023 | Pioneer

Thawing out

Israel and Hamas declare four-day cease-fire, but it is still a long road to lasting peace

After being at each other's throat since October 7, besides causing untimely death to thousands of civilians on both sides and putting global peace in grave peril, Israel and Hamas have showed wise counsel in agreeing to a four-day cease-fire. The truce, though temporary for now, is indeed a hopeful step towards de-escalation and fostering an environment conducive to further negotiations between the stubbornly warring sides. Realistically, it would be premature to say that this development would end the hostilities and normality would soon be restored. The Israel-Hamas conflict has a long, bloody and complex history, rooted in territorial disputes, historical grievances and differing political visions. Even the recent flare-up of violence was triggered by a series of events. The immediate provocation was of course the 500 rockets launched by Hamas, leading to the death of over 1,000 Israeli civilians. Israel lost no time in retaliating hard and pummeled Gaza, not sparing even civilian targets like hospitals. The cycle of violence since then has resulted in significant loss of life and widespread destruction, prompting international concern and calls for a cease-fire. The cease-fire brokered by international mediators comes as a major respite. During these four days, both sides have committed to halting all military operations, including airstrikes and rocket attacks. The cease-fire is expected to provide an opportunity for humanitarian aid to reach those in need and for diplomatic efforts to gain traction.

While the announcement of even a temporary halt in hostilities is a positive sign, it is important to note that the underlying issues that fuel the conflict remain unresolved. The cease-fire serves as just a pause rather than a comprehensive solution to the deep-rooted problems plaguing the region for decades, but the world community has correctly welcomed it as it opens at least a window of opportunity for peace to return to West Asia. The UN and other diplomatic channels have played a crucial role in facilitating dialogue between Israel and Hamas. Efforts are underway to lay the groundwork for more extensive negotiations that could address the core issues of the conflict. The pause allows both sides to reassess their position and consider the broader implications of a continued conflict. International pressure is likely to intensify during this period, urging them to engage in meaningful dialogue and work towards a lasting solution. Despite the optimism surrounding the temporary truce, challenges remain: Deep-seated grievances, historical animosities and complex geopolitical realities pose significant obstacles. Achieving a comprehensive and sustainable resolution will require the commitment of all stakeholders as well as a willingness to make difficult compromises in the interest of long-term stability.

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