The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) in its meeting chaired by Lt. Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena, who is also Chairman, DDA, on Wednesday approved launching of Festival Special Housing Scheme 2023, with more than 32,000 flats of different categories at various locations such as Dwarka, Loknayakpuram and Narela. Those having land or house are eligible to apply in this scheme.
Giving details of the new scheme, a DDA statement said a person can book a flat of one's choice in his or her preferred locality and floor instantly by paying the booking amount. Moreover, there is no conditionality of owning any plot / house in Delhi for booking of these flats thereby facilitating ownership of multiple houses by members of an extended family for enabling improved urban living.
The scheme has main features like the flats are being offered under through two different modes i.e., e-Auction and First Come First Serve (FCFS) basis as per their location and all the flats offered are newly constructed.
Also, the DDA for the first time is offering more than 1,100 luxury flats. These include penthouses, super HIGs and HIGs at Dwarka 19B overlooking the upcoming golf course of DDA. All these flats will be offered through e-Auction. Besides, the MIG flats at Sector 14, Dwarka and Loknayakpuram which is 316 and 647 in numbers respectively will also be offered through e auction mode.
Moreover, 728 EWS Flats in Sector 19 B, Dwarka, 316 LIG and 1008 EWS flats in Sector 14 Dwarka, 224 EWS flats in Loknayakpuram and over 28,000 flats at Narela across various categories will be offered through FCFS mode. The flats in Narela will be offered in different tranches/ phases.