Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has strongly condemned the recent leakage of the UP Police exam paper, denouncing it as an injustice to the aspirations of the state's youth and a matter of national shame.
Assuring resolute consequences, he reaffirmed the government's steadfast dedication to upholding transparency and impartiality in all recruitment procedures.
Addressing a gathering at Lok Bhavan, where appointment letters were conferred upon approximately 1800 successful candidates from various departments, CM Yogi emphasized the gravity of compromising the dreams of young individuals by unscrupulous elements, branding it as a 'national disgrace.'
"We are committed to a policy of zero tolerance towards those who jeopardize the lives and futures of our youth and will handle such elements with severity and decisiveness," declared CM Yogi, underlining the administration's determination to hold the perpetrators accountable.
Stressing on the misuse of technology by deceitful entities to manipulate recruitment processes, CM Yogi reiterated the government's resolve to thwart all such endeavors.
The Chief Minister's remarks follow initial dismissals by officials regarding the leak, initially deemed as spurious. However, in the face of escalating protests by thousands of exam takers demanding the cancellation of the exam, the government eventually acceded to their demands.
Opposition figures, including SP president Akhilesh Yadav and former Congress president Rahul Gandhi, criticized the state government's management of the situation. Yadav hailed the annulment of the exam as a victory for the candidates while accusing the BJP of orchestrating a ploy to deprive youth of job opportunities.
"The BJP government is deceiving unemployed youths under the guise of job offers, but the public can now discern this scheme," remarked Yadav, echoing widespread disenchantment with the government's employment policies.
Likewise, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, during her involvement in the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra alongside Rahul Gandhi, censured the BJP for its negligent and corrupt governance. Vadra rebuked the BJP's inability to implement effective measures to prevent paper leaks, juxtaposing it with Congress's proposed solutions aimed at safeguarding the future of the youth.
The incident has prompted widespread censure of the government's management of recruitment procedures, with demands for stringent measures to uphold the integrity of examinations and ensure equitable opportunities for all aspirants.