EPCO organising several programmes from May 26 to June 2

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EPCO organising several programmes from May 26 to June 2

Wednesday, 29 May 2024 | Staff Reporter | BHOPAL

Before the World Environment Day, under the Environment Education Program of the Ministry of Environment, Government of India, various programs are being organized by the Environment Planning Coordination Organization (EPCO), Bhopal, from May 26 to June 5.

Under the World Environment Day program series, on 28th May, a bird watching and nature tour program was organized for the college students and public of Bhopal district at Van Vihar National Park, Bhopal, in which about 45 participants from different colleges participated.

During the program, subject expert Mohammad Khaliq and Dr. Sangeeta Rajgir of Bhopal Birds provided bird watching to the participants which included Red Vented Bulbul, Paradise Flycatcher, Black Drongon, Baya, Black Bittern, Gray Heron, Little Cormorant, Purple Moorhen, Common Moorhen, Information provided about White Breasted Kingfisher. The bird expert informed the participants about the migratory birds coming to Bhopal and the water pollution caused by single-use plastic in the wetland area.

Under the direction of Kamlesh Verma, EPCO, the participants made cuckoo, bulbul, duck from soil. Creations of birds like, Dudhraja were created. SK Sinha, Assistant Director, Van Vihar, present in the program, informed the participants about the efforts being made at the current level on Mission Life topics - water, energy, biodiversity conservation etc. Information was given.

After this, Patil administered the oath of Mission Life to all the participants and distributed certificates. On this occasion, environment lover Syed Zahid Mir, Faizan Rashid from EPCO, KS Rajput, Dilip Kushwaha, Abhishek Dixit, Silind, Vivek Singh etc. were present.

The program was conducted by Dilip Chakraborty, Environment Education Officer, EPCO and the participants were informed about the upcoming programs organized under the World Environment Day program series.

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