The Oxford Bookstore, Bhubaneswar was abuzz with literary enthusiasts and admirers alike as it hosted the much-anticipated book launch and discussion on "Nandini Satpathy: The Iron Lady of Orissa" penned by acclaimed author Pallavi Rebbapragada. The event, organised by the Kalinga Literary Festival's (KLF) monthly community literary event, KLF Corner, marked a poignant tribute to the indomitable spirit and legacy of Odisha's first woman Chief Minister, Satpathy. The discussion was moderated by educationist and VC of DN Wisdom Tree Global School Panchami Manoo Ukil.
Eminent personalities, including Nandini’s son Tathagata Satpathy, and numerous others, graced the occasion with their presence, lending an aura of reverence and intellectual fervour to the proceedings. The insightful discussion delved deep into the life, achievements, and enduring impact of the formidable leader, shedding light on her unparalleled contributions to the socio-political landscape of Odisha and beyond.
Founder and director of Kalinga Literary Festival, Rashmi Ranjan Parida expressed heartfelt sentiments on the occasion. “Her dedication to Odisha is unmatchable, and through this book, we aim to immortalize her remarkable journey and unwavering commitment to public service," he said.
The event was executed and managed by coordinators, Kalinga Literary Festival, Debamitra Mishra and Ved Prakash Nayak and Oxford Bookstore Bhubaneswar manager Jagadish Behera.