Chief Minister Mohan Yadav said that grains such as jowar, millet, and ragi, produced locally, should be included in the state's ration distribution. He suggested sourcing these grains from local farmers and involving self-help groups in the process. Additionally, slips have been issued to beneficiaries under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana. A survey should be conducted to verify the eligibility of the recipients for the scheme.
Yadav gave these instructions during a review meeting of the Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Protection Department. The meeting, held at the Mantralaya, was attended by Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Protection Minister Govind Singh Rajput, Chief Secretary Smt. Veera Rana, Additional Chief Secretary Shri Rajesh Rajoura, and other officials.
Yadav said that the uniform of the staff of the Weights and Measures Department should be decided. The proposal should be submitted based on the existing arrangements in this regard in other states like Maharashtra, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, etc. He expressed the need to form a gas corporation at the state level for the activities related to providing cooking gas through the pipeline.
Chief Minister Dr. Yadav stated that there is potential for gas use in the industrial sector, so an action plan should be developed to ensure its supply.