Model Behaviour: Unlock the Keys to Catwalk Success

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Model Behaviour: Unlock the Keys to Catwalk Success

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 | Rachna Tiwari

By If you've got your sights set on sashaying down the most prestigious runways of India, listen up. This article is a synopsis of my learnings as I graced the pages of magazines like Vogue and Gladrags, and walked down the catwalks of Mumbai, Delhi, and beyond, I'm here to share the secrets to crafting a killer portfolio and forging the connections that will propel your modeling career to new heights.

Let's start with your portfolio – the make-or-break factor that can open doors or leave you lingering in the wings. This isn't just a collection of pretty pictures, darlings. It's your visual résumé, your calling card, and your ticket to the spotlight. And in this ultra-competitive landscape, a stellar portfolio is non-negotiable.

So, how do you create one that will turn heads and leave a lasting impression? Variety is key. Headshots, full-body shots, close-ups – mix it up and showcase your versatility. Can you effortlessly transition from edgy and moody to soft and ethereal? Let your portfolio reflect that range. Experiment with diverse styles, settings, and moods to demonstrate your adaptability as a canvas for any creative vision.

But don't fall into the trap of quantity over quality. A few exceptional, meticulously crafted images will leave a far more powerful impact than a multitude of mediocre shots. Invest in working with seasoned professionals – photographers who truly understand the nuances of lighting, angles, and composition. Their expertise can elevate your images from pedestrian to jaw-dropping.

And remember, your portfolio should be a living, breathing entity that evolves alongside you. Regularly update it with your latest work, ensuring it remains fresh, relevant, and a true reflection of your growth and development as a model.

Most crucially, let your unique personality shine through in every frame. Capture those unguarded moments that convey your authentic charm, charisma, and energy. Clients aren't just seeking a beautiful face; they want someone they can connect with, someone who embodies the essence of their brand.

As you curate your visual masterpiece, don't forget to highlight your individual strengths – those qualities that set you apart from the sea of hopefuls vying for the same opportunities. Is it your killer runway walk? Your expressive, captivating eyes? Your ability to strike elegant, editorial-worthy poses? Whatever your X-factor may be, make sure it takes center stage.

But even the most breathtaking portfolio won't get you far without the right connections. In this industry, who you know can be just as crucial as what you know. And that's where networking comes into play.

Immerse yourself in the fashion scene by attending industry events – fashion shows, model castings, and networking parties. Rub shoulders with designers, photographers, and fellow models, and don't be afraid to introduce yourself and exchange contact information. You never know where that one connection might lead.

Leverage the power of social media, too. Platforms like Instagram can be invaluable tools for expanding your reach and attracting the attention of industry insiders. Post your best work, engage with relevant professionals, and follow trending hashtags. Your online presence can open doors to opportunities you never saw coming.

But networking isn't just about collecting business cards; it's about fostering genuine, lasting connections. Take the time to get to know people, show genuine interest in their work, and offer your support. Authentic relationships can blossom into fruitful collaborations that take your career to new heights.

Don't hesitate to seek mentorship from established models or industry veterans. Their wisdom and guidance can be invaluable as you navigate the intricate, often daunting world of modeling. A mentor can share their experiences, offer advice, and help you sidestep potential pitfalls.

Above all, maintain professionalism in every interaction, whether online or in person. In an industry driven by word-of-mouth, your reputation precedes you. Be punctual, reliable, and courteous at all times – a lapse in decorum can swiftly derail even the most promising career.

The path to modeling success in India is a runway paved with determination, strategy, and an unwavering commitment to honing your craft. With a standout portfolio and a robust network of connections, you'll have the tools to turn your dreams of international stardom into a dazzling reality.

So, embrace the journey, embrace the process, and most importantly, embrace yourself. Your unique qualities are what will set you apart and leave a lasting impression. With persistence, passion, and a hint of panache, you can sculpt your destiny and claim your place among the fashion elite.

The spotlight is beckoning, and your time to shine is now. Will you answer the call?

With a career spanning ten years, the writer has solidified her expertise in HR, entrepreneurship, and innovation ecosystem development. She is a print and ramp model who was also featured in Vogue and Gladrags magazines.

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