The triple threat

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The triple threat

Tuesday, 29 December 2020 | DR MANOJ CHAWLA

The triple threat

New research has revealed the adverse impact of air pollution on Diabetics and the likelihood of pollution leading to COVID-19 infection in such patients, says DR MANOJ CHAWLA

Pandemics have been a recurring challenge since medieval times, but the scale and global impact of COVID-19 is truly unprecedented. It is mainly a respiratory infection which can lead to severe complications such as cardiac problems, septic shocks, liver and kidney failures, etc.

Thus, people with pre-existing health conditions, such as Diabetes, are at a higher risk of developing severe illness with COVID-19. While this risk was identified quite early, new research has brought to light the adverse impact of air pollution on Diabetics and the likelihood of the pollution leading to COVID-19 infection in such people.

Highly polluted areas are known to amplify the severity of respiratory illnesses and infections. Hence, air pollution can be a core cause of worry in the war against COVID-19. One of the key strategies in combating this contagion has been to boost the immunity of the people affected or at risk, and that’s where diabetes becomes a comorbid condition. Poor glycemic control in people with diabetes brings down immunity, making people with the condition more vulnerable to infections. In many cases, the infection also aids secondary issues, such as bacterial infection of the lungs, etc. Thus, it becomes a lot more difficult for people with diabetes to keep themselves safe from COVID-19 infection when air pollution levels become severe. The recent surge in air pollution and COVID-19 cases in Delhi could also be attributed to this nexus between poor air quality, weak immunity and respiratory infections.

It is, therefore, extremely important for people with diabetes to understand this correlation between these three menaces. One should avoid venturing outdoors on days with poor air quality to reduce the risk. It is also imperative to lead a healthy lifestyle that involves eating a balanced diet, regular physical activity and staying away from habits such as smoking and drinking.

The writer is by Dr Manoj Chawla, Director and Consultant Diabetologist at Lina Diabetes Care & Mumbai Diabetes Research Centre

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