Open the doors of knowledge

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Open the doors of knowledge

Monday, 07 December 2020 | Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji

Open the doors of knowledge

We should learn something everyday to achieve better goals and shed the ego and false perception that we know everything, says Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj Ji

When you stop learning, you start dying,” said Albert Einstein once. As conscious beings, we have five sense organs, which are also known as the ‘doors of knowledge.’ Hence, it would not be wrong to say that because of nature, we constantly keep learning. For instance, through our ears, we are always listening and grasping new things. The words that go through our ears to our brain are like lessons we receive constantly. Similarly, through our eyes, we view new things and learn them. Then comes the tongue. The electric impulse that we receive through our skin or tastebuds reach our brain, and stimulates a new kind of learning.

However, one must understand a fact that all the above mentioned processes of learning take place by the virtue of self-awareness and consciousness that is present in our brain. Without all these processes, learning is next to impossible. In this context, we should know that our sense organs are only the doors. Learning is actually a process that is undergone by the consciousness. It can be called the ‘feeling of mind, intellect and memory’ or simply, the ‘soul’ as every information or message we receive influence the soul. And then it’s determined whether something was a good or a bad experience.

We must know that there are two kinds of knowledge that we acquire. — material things, and spiritual things like soul, and karma. The latter kind of knowledge, when put into actions, results in personality values or sanskaars. Most of our actions performed again and again under the influence of a sanskaar result in experiencing happiness or sorrow. Throughout the journey of life, we constantly learn such lessons that result in the formation of sanskaars according to our karma. Hence, we should know how learning is clearly unavoidable and that we are always learning good or bad things. Likewise, if we know that our sanskaars go along with us life after life, we will be more careful and particular about learning good things in life and giving up on inappropriate things because education seems to be an elixir that can help us form a healthy mind and body along with a lasting and fruitful life.

We all know that in today’s time, nobody is perfect as far as goodness and virtues are concerned. Hence, it cannot be denied that we all need to be enlightened and we urgently need to improve the quality of our thoughts, speech and actions. Since we cannot avoid learning, even if we wish to, why don’t we then learn to inculcate in us moral values, virtues and good qualities so that we make progress towards perfection? Why do we wish to carry a heavy load of rubbish on our heads? Why do we want to delay our march towards our goals? What do we gain by making lame excuses, saying that we have no time or that we are not interested? Why shouldn’t we find what we are really interested in? Are we interested in our downfall, decay or doom? Why are we letting ourselves sink and drown deep down in the quagmire of vice and evil?

Remember, the more we delay, the worse will be our condition and more difficult would it be to rectify our ways. The process of learning, as said earlier, is ceaseless and continuous and hence, it has been rightly said, “We need to learn everyday and shed the ego and the false perception that ‘we know everything’.” Well, why not we remain alert and follow the right path to save ourselves from tragedy, trauma, tension and turmoil?

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