India summons Canadian envoy over Khalistan stir

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India summons Canadian envoy over Khalistan stir

Monday, 27 March 2023 | PNS | New Delhi

Taking exception to protests in Canada outside its Embassy and consulates by alleged Khalistan supporters, India has summoned High Commissioner of Canada to New Delhi to register its displeasure over security arrangements outside the diplomatic premises there.

“It is expected that the Canadian Government will take steps which are required to ensure safety of our diplomats and security of our diplomatic premises so that they are able to fulfil their normal diplomatic functions,” a Ministry of External Affairs statement on Sunday said. High Commissioner Cameron MacKay was summoned on Saturday.

“India sought an explanation on how such elements were allowed, in the presence of police, to breach the security of our diplomatic Mission and Consulates,” the statement said.

MacKay was summoned to the External Affairs Ministry .

The External Affairs Ministry sought an explanation about how “separatist and extremist elements” were able to breach the security of Indian Missions in Canada despite the presence of police, the Ministry said in a statement.

The Canadian Government was reminded of its obligations under the Vienna Convention and “asked to arrest and prosecute the individuals who have already been identified as being involved in such acts”.

The Indian side further said it expects the Canadian Government to take all required steps to ensure the safety of Indian diplomats and the security of the country’s diplomatic premises.

Last Sunday, an event in Canada was cancelled due to security concerns after a violent protest by Khalistan supporters. The event was organised at the Taj Park Convention Centre in British Columbia to honour Sanjay Kumar Verma, the Indian envoy to Canada, while he was on his first visit to the west coast.

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