60 detained for Palestine protest sans police nod

| | New Delhi
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60 detained for Palestine protest sans police nod

Tuesday, 17 October 2023 | Staff Reporter | New Delhi

Scores of protesters, including students, held a demonstration at Jantar Mantar here, demanding diplomatic support for Palestine and actions against Israel for alleged violations of human rights.

The Delhi Police said it detained around 60 people for not taking prior permission for the protest.

 The protest was held by CPI-ML-backed All India Students Association and other student organisations.

Protesters, most of them students and teachers from Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University, descended at Jantar Mantar and started raising slogans 'Justice for Palestine,' and 'Gaza we are with you.' Some demonstrators carried placards that bore the popular PLO slogan 'From river to the sea, Palestine will be free.'

The Delhi Police rounded the protesters up in buses and took them to an undisclosed location.  "We are holding a demonstration and demanding diplomatic support for Palestine and actions against Israel, for violating human rights," said Hemant, one of the demonstrators.

AISA in its statement demanded the release of the protesters and shared their bytes recorded on their phones from detention.

 A Delhi University Professor got into an heated argument with police when a team of female police chased down a student who was talking to the media.   The professor, who criticised the police's heavy handedness, was also detained.

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