Bizman of Bairagarh stuck in Sudan

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Bizman of Bairagarh stuck in Sudan

Friday, 21 April 2023 | Staff Reporter | Bhopal

About 1,500 Indians are stuck in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, amid the fighting between the military and the paramilitary in Sudan. These include 23-year-old young businessman Jayant Kevalani of Bhopal. Jayant said that the situation in Sudan is worse than the Ukraine-Russia war. There is no electricity here for the last four days.

Water and ration are also running out. There is a military camp right in front of the building, heavy bombardment is taking place here . Jayant was about to return from Sudan to Dubai on April 20 when fighting broke out there.

Jayant does the business of import-export of gram and toor dal. His family including father Narendra Kevalani lives in Sant Hirdaram Nagar (Bairagarh) of Bhopal. About a month and a half ago, he had gone to Sudan to attend a business meeting. They were about to return on 20 April, when the fighting started on 15 April and got trapped.

The families of Indian Embassy officials are also stranded. These include from small children to the elderly. Talking about Khartoum, there are more than 1500 Indians.

Along with the fighting, Khartoum has been without electricity for four days. Due to this, even charging the mobile is becoming difficult. If there is no electricity for a day or two, we will not be able to even talk to our family members. The water stored in the house is running out. There is very little food and drink left.

Jayant's sister Vanshika Kevalani has sought help from the government by tweeting. She wrote- What is the Government of India sleeping? Why is the government not doing anything on this important issue? The war started on Saturday. Many Indians including my brother are caught in the war. Their lives are in danger.

Jayant said that people from many states including Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar are stranded here like him.

People living with him, including Jayant, say that the government should take steps for his safe return from Sudan. Here, father Narendra Kevalani, living in Bhopal, said that Jayant is still safe, but the central government should bring all Indians including Jayant back to their homeland safely.

Former Chief Minister Digvijay Singh has also tweeted to the PMO and External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar urging them to evacuate the stranded Indians from Sudan on priority basis.

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