CM directive to expedite appointment process Stresses on performance-based promotion

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CM directive to expedite appointment process Stresses on performance-based promotion

Tuesday, 26 September 2023 | PNS | Lucknow

In a recent meeting with additional chief secretaries and principal secretaries of various departments, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has issued a series of directives aimed at expediting the appointment process and implementing performance-based promotions within government departments across Uttar Pradesh.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath emphasised the detrimental impact of understaffed government departments on overall efficiency and public welfare.

“Delays in appointments not only create backlogs but also deprive deserving youth of opportunities that match their qualifications,” the chief minister said, calling for a prompt appointment process and seeking regular updates on vacancies from districts.

Additionally, the chief minister stressed on a comprehensive assessment of necessary positions at all administrative levels, spanning from villages and cities to districts and government departments. He directed the Appointment and Personnel department to provide detailed reports on vacancies, ongoing appointment processes, and the required human resources to the Chief Minister’s Office.

The chief minister highlighted the implementation of the e-adhiyachan (requisition) system, designed to simplify the appointment process. He stressed the importance of careful reviews of reservation rules before submitting requisitions for appointments.

Recognising the evolving needs of departments like urban development, the chief minister called for the creation of new positions where necessary. He advocated proper training of chakbandi lekhpals (consolidation officials) in the Revenue department and the expeditious completion of the selection process for various police department posts by December.

The chief minister underscored the significance of time-bound promotions, with performance as the primary criterion for advancement. He called for the completion of promotion processes, including those at the chief secretary/additional chief secretary/principal secretary/head of department levels or through the UP Public Service Commission by September 30 in all cases.

In the interest of expediting the recruitment process, the chief minister stressed the need for increased technological integration to reduce processing times. He also highlighted the importance of expanding training capacity.

Recognising a considerable number of vacancies across districts, including in Varanasi, Prayagraj, Gorakhpur, Ayodhya, Mathura, Gautam Buddha Nagar and Ghaziabad, the chief minister called for deployment of qualified personnel to ensure the smooth progress of vital projects.

“Maintain adequate human resources in aspirational districts, aspirational development blocks and aspirational urban areas,” the chief minister said.

Acknowledging the commendable work of outsourced personnel in various projects, the chief minister insisted that all employees receive fair remuneration, disbursed punctually and in full. He pledged to prevent any exploitation of employees under any circumstances.

As the second quarter of the fiscal year 2023–24 nears its conclusion, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath urged all departments to ensure appropriate utilisation of funds allocated in the current budget. He encouraged increased allocation and expenditure, with monthly reviews conducted by the chief secretary at the departmental level.

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