Hry govt to commemorate birth anniversary of Jhalkaribai on Nov 20

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Hry govt to commemorate birth anniversary of Jhalkaribai on Nov 20

Sunday, 19 November 2023 | PNS | Chandigarh

THe Haryana government has undertaken the Sant Mahapurush Samman and Vichar Prachar Prasar Yojana to spread the teachings and messages of great saints, as well as brave men and women to the masses. Continuing this series, on the occasion of vir virangna Jhalkaribai's birth anniversary, a state-level function will be organized in Palwal on November 20 and Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar will be the Chief Guest of this programme.

Jhalkaribai was a significant figure in the army of Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi and made a great sacrifice for the country in the first struggle for independence. Despite seeing only 27-28 springs of life, Jhalkari's courage is a pride for Indian women, the brilliance of which still persists. The nation will always be indebted to the valiant Jhalkaribai, who made the supreme sacrifice to fulfill the dream of India's complete independence, said the Chief Minister.

He said that a society and nation that honours its martyrs and remains committed to their welfare always progresses towards prosperity. “We must always remember our martyrs with respect. The sacrifice of our brave soldiers and patriots who gave their lives to protect the nation's defense, unity, and integrity will be forever remembered and appreciated by our grateful nation,” said Khattar.

Under the Sant Mahapurush Samman and Vichar Prachar Prasar Yojana, the government has organized various programs to honour the teachings and social works done by great saints and mahatmas for the welfare of society. 

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