Stage set for my court martial: Imran

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Stage set for my court martial: Imran

Saturday, 10 June 2023 | PTI | Islamabad

Pakistan’s embattled former prime minister Imran Khan has said that the stage has been set for his “court martial” after the country’s all-powerful army vowed to try the “masterminds and planners” of the May 9 violence in military courts.

His remarks came a day after Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah accused Khan of planning the countrywide violence that erupted after his arrest in a corruption case on May 9.

Talking to reporters after appearing before the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Thursday in connection with 10 different cases, including two ongoing petitions and eight new bail petitions, the 70-year-old Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief said he knew he would be tried by a military court. He termed a civilian’s trial in the military court as the “end of democracy” and the “end of justice” in Pakistan.

“The trial in the military court will be illegal,” he was quoted as saying by the Dawn newspaper.

“They knew that over 150 cases registered against me are baseless and there is no chance of my conviction in these bogus cases, therefore, they have decided to conduct my trial in the military court,” Khan said.

Pakistan’s powerful army on Wednesday vowed to tighten the “noose of law” around “planners and masterminds” who mounted a “hate-ripened and politically-driven rebellion” against the state.

Khan’s remarks came days after Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said that the former prime minister could be tried in a military court as the PTI chief was the “architect” of the May 9 incidents.

Khan’s party found itself in hot waters when protesters allegedly belonging to the party attacked civil and military properties on May 9 following the arrest of Khan in the Al-Qadir corruption case.

The trial of people involved in the attacks on military installations in different parts of the country, including the attack on General Headquarters in Rawalpindi as well as Lahore’s Jinnah House where the Corps Commander was residing, has already begun.


Defence Minister Khawaja Asif has also hinted at Khan’s trial in a military court and it could stem from the federal cabinet’s decision that the protesters who vandalised military installations on May 9 would be tried under the Army Act and Official Secrets Act.

The government ministers have repeatedly said that no new military courts would be established and the suspects would be tried in the “special standing courts” that were already functioning under the Army Act.

Army Chief General Asim Munir also said perpetrators, planners and executors of the May 9 attacks would be tried under the tough Army Act and Official Secret Act, adding that no leniency would be shown to those who attacked the military installations.

Khan denied his involvement in the violence, saying he was in jail when the incidents took place. He has said that the establishment plans to keep him in jail for 10 years in a sedition case.

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