Achieve existential perfection

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Achieve existential perfection

Thursday, 18 January 2024 | Ajit Kumar Bishnoi

Achieve existential perfection

We should always do our duty because action is superior to inaction

Everyone is trying to live the best way possible. Obviously, these vary greatly. What way of life may appear great to someone and may be rejected by others? For example, someone goes to the gym regularly and spends considerable time building muscles. Some other prefers to go for long walks and feel that this is the right thing to do.

What, then, is the perfect way? Lord Krishna answers this question in great detail in the Bhagavad-Gita. Beginning with, “Develop My consciousness; become My devotee; make sacrifices for Me; and offer obeisance to Me.” (18.65) Because the creation is God-centered. It has to be for creation to exist for millions of years, which is what we want because we are eternal. “In all respects take My shelter only. By My mercy you shall achieve supreme peace and the eternal abode.” (18.62) Aren’t we all looking for peace and ‘sukha’ (happiness)? But, unfortunately, most of us go about it in faulty ways. Someone is working very hard to show off material acquisitions. Is he or she peaceful and happy? Far from it. How about those who are indulging in a limitless sense of gratification? Their lust keeps on increasing never to be satiated. (3.39) Then, there are others, who want to prove their bigness vis-à-vis others. What happens? Their bubble bursts.

Take My shelter only.” (18.66) If God is all-important, whose shelter should we take? It sounds not so humble, but God cannot misrepresent Himself just to sound humble. “These people, who worship Me with undivided attention, meditating on Me, for those practitioners of yoga, I help in getting what one does not have and provide security of what one has.” (9.22) Wouldn’t we want that? Because God owns everything and controls all. One reality will open your eyes. Whatever we get or not get is already predestined; nothing changes much; everything is almost frozen rock solid. Because the three gunas of the material nature, which constitute our natures, will get it done from us and others. We all are programmed that way. The only way out is to take shelter in God, who can intervene. Now do you agree that we should take God’s shelter?

Going further, Lord Krishna states, “Fix your mind in Me only; engage your intelligence in Me; thus hereafter you shall remain in Me only; there is no doubt about this.” (12.6) Do you realize the significance of this statement? This is like living with the richest man on earth and better, if we can comprehend it. All we have to do is practice taking shelter, and the mind will gradually become controlled. (6.35) “A person meditating on Me, being connected by practice attains Me.” (8.8) And what does God do? “You will cross all impediments by God’s kripa.” (18.58) Can we imagine such a privileged position? We can if we by patient intelligence carry out God’s instructions. (6.25)

Now the other aspect of gaining existential perfection. This is simply doing our duties in the mood of service. Because this is all we have been created for. Even taking shelter of God is a duty towards ourselves, i.e. souls, which we are. Lord Krishna has clearly set this out, when He stated, “You should always do your duty. Because action is superior to inaction. Maintenance of the body will also not be possible through inaction.” (3.8) This was an affirmation of what was stated in the earlier verse #2.47, “You have a right only in action.” We know what our duties are according to time, place and circumstances.

Therefore, the conclusion is for all of us to see who are seated in vehicles, which are on autopilot, programmed according to our destiny. Nothing much changes and the struggle for existence goes on. However, alerts are forever coming from scriptures, preachers, etc. for taking shelter from God. The wise will take notice and take shelter in God, which involves actually just giving time, not just knowing the theory.

(The writer is a spiritual teacher; views are personal)

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