Narendra Modi’s Clarion Call for 2024

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Narendra Modi’s Clarion Call for 2024

Tuesday, 06 February 2024 | Pioneer News Service | New Delhi

Narendra Modi’s Clarion Call for 2024

Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed confidence on Monday that the NDA would secure more than 400 seats, and the BJP would win at least 370 seats in the Lok Sabha elections. Modi said that he was convinced the Opposition parties had lost the courage to contest elections and had resolved to stay on the Opposition benches for a long time.

“I can gauge the mood of the nation; it will definitely give the NDA more than 400 seats and the BJP at least 370 seats,” the Prime Minister said in response to the debate in the Lok Sabha on the Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address.

These changes are mainly for maintaining tense consistency and ensuring clarity in the expression of ideas.

He mentioned that the government’s third term was not too far away. “At most, 100-125 days remain,” he remarked, referring to the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

“Abki baar,” Modi declared, and BJP members joined him in unison, saying, “400 paar.” “Even Kharge ji is expressing the same sentiment,” Modi added, referring to Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge’s statement in the Rajya Sabha.

He emphasised that the NDA’s third term would witness significant decisions and lay the foundation for the next 1,000 years.

Prime Minister Modi criticised the Congress, targeting its dynastic politics and asserting that it had a golden opportunity to function effectively as an opposition but failed in that capacity. He highlighted that some Opposition leaders were eager to change their parliamentary seats, while others were contemplating a move to the Rajya Sabha.

“I appreciate the resolution the Opposition has made. Every word in their speeches has affirmed my confidence, as well as the confidence of the nation, that they are determined to remain in the Opposition for a significant period,” Modi said, placing the blame on the Congress for the current state of the Opposition.

“For several decades, you occupied the treasury benches, but now you have resolved to stay in the Opposition benches for several more decades. The people will bless you and keep you there. You will attain greater heights and soon be observed in the public galleries of the House,” the Prime Minister declared.

Modi pointed out that the Budget Session presented a valuable opportunity to propose constructive suggestions, but the Opposition members have missed a significant chance.

“You have left the country disillusioned. Leaders have changed, but the same tune persists,” he remarked.

“The Opposition could have conveyed a message to the people in an election year,” Modi said, stressing that the Congress bore responsibility for the current state of the opposition.

“The Congress had a golden opportunity to function effectively as an Opposition but failed in that role. Despite the presence of other young leaders in the opposition, they were not allowed to speak, possibly out of fear that it might overshadow a particular individual,” Modi remarked, seemingly referring to Rahul Gandhi.

The Prime Minister further noted that the Congress might soon have to “shut shop” due to its persistent attempt to launch the same product repeatedly.

“It is election time, and you should have put in more effort, introduced something new, and conveyed a message to the people. However, you failed miserably. Allow me to impart this lesson to you,” Modi expressed.

In the Lok Sabha, he added, “The Congress party bears responsibility for the current state of the Opposition. Despite having the opportunity to function effectively as a formidable opposition, the Congress failed to fulfill its responsibilities over the last ten years.”

On Monday, Modi expressed confidence that India would become the third-largest economy in the world during his “third” tenure.

He said that during his “third term”, the government would make a “significant decision” and lay the foundation for a prosperous India for the next 1,000 years.

Modi also took a swipe at the Congress, mentioning that in the interim Budget of 2014, the then Finance Minister had projected that it would take three decades (until 2044) for India to become the third-largest economy. He accused the 2014 Congress government of losing the ability to dream big, saying, “I pity their thinking.” The Congress, he claimed, would have taken at least 100 years to achieve what this government has accomplished in the last ten years.

Modi remarked that neither Jawaharlal Nehru nor Indira Gandhi had faith in the ability of the people. “I have confidence in the strength of the people of India,” he emphasised, noting that in the first term (2014-19), the NDA government rectified the shortcomings of the previous Congress-led government.

“In the second term (2019-24), we laid the foundation of a new India, and in the third term, we will progress towards ‘Vikshit Bharat’ (Developed India),” he added.

Discussing the government’s initiatives, Modi mentioned the introduction of GST, promotion of digitalisation, completion of pending schemes, and the abolition of over 40,000 compliances. He also highlighted that about 25 crore people have emerged from poverty, and the EPFO data indicate the addition of 18 crore new subscribers.

India has now become a hub of innovation, research, and manufacturing, and Modi stressed the need to achieve self-reliance in green energy and lead in semiconductors, as these initiatives would create quality jobs.

The prime minister expressed hope that the semiconductor sector would attract substantial investments in the coming years, and in that domain, India would contribute significantly. Efforts are underway to skill people to prepare them for Industry 4.0. Discussing inflation, he pointed out that it used to be in double digits during the Congress era.

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