Bakery in old categorised market catches fire

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Bakery in old categorised market catches fire

Sunday, 26 May 2024 | Staff Reporter | BHOPAL

In Bhopal, a two-storey building of a bakery making biscuits and toast-bread burst into flames at 5.30 am on Saturday. The flames were so intense that 25 firefighters and water tankers were required to pacify the fire in 5 hours.

The fire could be completely controlled by 10 am, for this the front part of the building also had to be demolished.

The incident took place in the Old Categorised Market area of the city. Due to the narrow street and dense settlement, there was a fear of the fire spreading to the nearby houses. The bakery owner claims that goods worth Rs 80 lakh were burnt. The building also became dilapidated. The fire spread from the electric pole to the bakery.

When people passed by the bakery in the morning, they saw smoke rising from the electric pole and the bakery shed. After this the fire brigade was informed. Five fire tenders from Naya Kabadkhana area, Fatehgarh, Pul Bogda and Bairagarh reached the spot. After this, 20 more fire brigades were pressed into service.

According to fire brigade personnel Naushad Khan, the flames were brought under control by 8.30 am, but the fire kept smoldering from time to time.

Items like oil, sugar, flour were kept in the bakery, due to which the fire spread rapidly.

Bakery owner Mazhar Ali said that both the big ovens were burnt in the fire. One was bought for Rs 12 lakh, the other for Rs 6.25 lakh around 1500 trays were also burnt. Raw material (flour, sugar, oile etc) worth Rs 9 lakh was loaded. There has been a total loss of Rs 80 lakh.

The owner claimed that nothing was insured and opened the  business by taking a loan. The fire destroyed everything.

According to Mazhar, there is an electricity pole adjacent to the bakery. Sparking was happening in this. The electricity connection in the bakery was taken from this pole. The fire from the pole reached the cable and then spread to the bakery oven through the cable. There is oil in the oven. The back was filled with wood and goods. Due to this the fire spread rapidly.

To completely control the fire, the front part of the building had to be demolished. Work goes on day and night in this bakery.

In the night on Friday no one was at work which saved them from any injury or casualty at the bakery.

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