City’s enthusiastic Seniors & Young Voters cast their Vote

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City’s enthusiastic Seniors & Young Voters cast their Vote

Sunday, 26 May 2024 | Divya Modi | Ranchi

As Ranchiites got a chance to exercise their franchise in the sixth phase of the on- going Lok Sabha elections on Saturday, polling stations saw large number of enthusiastic senior citizens and young voters ready to cast their vote. Their stories filled with personal experiences and reflections paint a vivid picture of this milestone experience.

For 73- year old Pramila Devi who suffers from severe knee pain walking even the shortest distances is a lot of trouble but the senior citizen was very keen to exercise her right for a better India. “I struggle to walk even the smallest of distances but with the help of my grandchildren, I walked for about 500 meters to reach my polling booth and exercised my right to vote. Actively participating and exercising our right to vote is very important for the healthy functioning of our democracy I believe that regular increase of the percentage of voting is very important for achieving the India we dream about. I appeal to people to make sure to out and vote in the remaining phases of the election.”

City based CA Jaishankar Jaipuriar who accompanied his 84- year old mother Maha Maya Sinha to the polling booth shared his experience. “The whole experience at the polling booth was very nice. My mother was hospitalized last week but in spite of that she was very keen to cast her vote. Being on the wheel chair she was given priority at the voting station. My mother was very satisfied with the whole experience and was delighted to be able to cast her vote. She is a constant source of inspiration for us.”

For Nishikant Pandey (64) a resident of Harmu the experience as a senior citizen was quite nice. “It was a very nice experience. The entire process was very systematic at our polling booth and the arrangement for senior citizens was well done. They had provided chairs for those waiting in line to vote and no one had to stand in the sun as well. I feel that the voters too turned out in good numbers. For seniors, they can have provision for a separate queue especially for those who have problem in walking but overall it was well organised. I have voted in all the elections so far and the day to day developments have been good. Gone are the days of loud speakers as political parties are now making good use of social media platforms to attract voters.”

Divya Bhardwaj (22) an MBA aspirant, felt a powerful sense of responsibility as he cast his fist vote. “It felt great to vote for the first time. I am happy to complete an important responsibility towards the progress of our nation. I strongly believe that for people who do not find the time to cast their vote, they do not have the right to complaint about the work being done by the government which comes to power.  Because we claim ourselves to be the world’s largest democracy, more than the government which will come in power, I believe it is important that more and more percentage of people go out and vote.”

Ishika Mishra, a student of Computer Science at BIT Mesra was the first to arrive at her polling booth in Ranchi to cast her vote. “The thrill to be able to vote for the first time and have a say in the governance of the country was quite amazing. The entire process was smooth and fast I feel that everyone individual should exercise the rights given to us, not just for us, but for every single citizen of the country.”

Ayushi Pandey (20) a BBA student at Ranchi Women’s College took pride in making an independent choice. “I was very excited to vote for the first time. Since the election dates were announced, I was eager to exercise my right for my country as a first time voter. To vote for the nation and to be able to choose your own government is actually a very big responsibility. I have cast my vote in the basis of  what I prefer and what people around me are demanding and expecting from the government. I hope the results are in my favour.”

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