Handover UCC bill to select committee: Congress

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Handover UCC bill to select committee: Congress

Wednesday, 07 February 2024 | PNS | DEHRADUN

The Congress members demanded that the UCC bill should be handed over to the select committee of the Vidhan Sabha. The Congress MLAs staged as protest at the entrance of the house on Tuesday morning when they realised that the Business Advisory Committee (BAC) has suspended the question hour and other business of the house and kept the day reserved for tabling, discussion and passage of the bill on Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and 10 per cent horizontal reservation for the statehood activists in the government jobs. They wanted the question hour to not get suspended. After raising a furore outside the house, the Congress MLAs also created pandemonium in the house when the proceedings of the day started. Raising a point of order, the leader of opposition (LoP) in the Assembly, Yashpal Arya said that the government wants to prevent the opposition from raising questions. He said that the people of the State are suffering from deteriorating law and order situation. He said corruption is at its peak and the state is reeling under disaster. Arya said that the horticulture scam and failure in Ankita Bhandari murder case has exposed the government. He said that the government doesn't want to face the questions of the members due to which it has suspended the question hour. Supporting Arya, the Chakrata MLA Pritam Singh said that the rules and procedure of business of the Assembly are being violated by suspension of question hour. He said that the secretary of the Assembly had written letters to all members seeking their questions, petitions and notices but now everything is being bypassed for UCC.

 In her order the speaker said that it is a norm that the Assembly functions as per the plan given by the State government. She said that business of the house is decided by the BAC and it has taken a decision of suspending normal business of the house. It is pertinent to mention here that the Congress members LoP Arya and Pritam Singh had boycotted the BAC on Monday.

 In the debate in the house, Arya said that the government has not given time to the members for reading the draft of the bill. He said that the bill should be forwarded to the select committee of the house for further discussion.

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