Hry CM launches ‘Mission 60,000’ to provide employment opportunities for youths

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Hry CM launches ‘Mission 60,000’ to provide employment opportunities for youths

Saturday, 13 January 2024 | PNS | Chandigarh

Announcing Mission 60,000, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Friday said that within the next few months, employment opportunities would be extended to 60,000 young individuals hailing from families with an annual income of less than Rs 1.80 lakh. In addition, the recruitment process for 60,000 Group C and D posts is set to conclude within a few months, he added.

Addressing the state-level Vivekananda youth mahasammelan on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda's birth anniversary held in Kurukshetra, the Chief Minister said that within the framework of ‘Mission 60,000’, the government would engage 7,500 'Van Mitra' individuals from families with an annual income of less than Rs 1.80 lakh. In addition, 15,000 contractual employees will be recruited through HKRN, provide training to 10,000 youth for industrial establishments, engage 7,500 'e-Sewa Mitra' for CSCs, and facilitate employment abroad for 5,000 such individuals through Foreign Cooperation Department.

He also declared to train 15,000 youth with a diploma/degree in civil engineering, empowering them to become contractors. The government will extend a loan of Rs 3 lakh to these individuals for one year without requiring any collateral. Trained youth under this program will be exempt from providing a guarantee for work up to Rs 25 lakh. The goal is to boost their annual income, enabling them to surpass the Below Poverty Line (BPL) threshold, he added.

Paying homage to Swami Vivekananda, the Chief Minister said, “The CET exam results for Group C and D are currently in progress. For Group D, approximately 3.25 lakh candidates participated in the CET, and the results is expected to be announced now. We will offer 13,500 such jobs to these successful candidates within the next 15 days. Furthermore, the recruitment process for Group C is actively underway. We aim to provide approximately 60,000 jobs for both Group C and D within next few months. With this, the present government has established a record by providing 1.7 lakh government jobs.”

He said that the life of Swami Vivekananda serves as an enduring inspiration for all. In 1893, he presented India's perspective at the World's Parliament of Religions in Chicago, and our nation received great honor and recognition for his profound representation. 

Earlier, the Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone of the Saraswati Vatika development work of Irrigation and Water Resources Department. A sum of Rs 3.68 crore will be spent on this project in three phases.

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