Cong yet to properly apologize for Op Bluestar: Puri

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Cong yet to properly apologize for Op Bluestar: Puri

Monday, 27 May 2024 | PNS | Chandigarh

Senior BJP leader and Union Minister for Urban Housing, Petroleum and Natural Gas Hardeep Puri on Sunday said that the Congress party was yet to apologize properly for the Operation Bluestar at the holiest shrine of the Sikhs, Golden Temple, even after 40 years of the operation. “Congress Party was responsible for Sikh massacre which took place after the assassination of Indira Gandhi in 1984,” said Puri, while talking to reporters in Chandigarh on the occasion of the release of the BJP “Chandigarh Manifesto”.


He said that the Congress had been describing it as anti-Sikh riots whereas this was a massacre and not a riot because in a riot, two sides are involved. In the massacre, only one community, that is the Sikhs were targeted.


Puri ridiculed Congress party’s promise of putting Rs one lakh in the bank accounts of a woman member of every family. “This will be a drain of around Rs 32 lakh crores and is practically impossible to implement.  It is clear that the Congress was trying to push a false narrative. AAP’s scheme of supplying 300 units of free electricity was also part of the same ‘revdi’ culture about which Prime Minister Narendra Modi had frequently spoken. Modi ji believes that good governance is good politics,” added Puri.


Union Minister said that Chandigarh was among the top cities of not only India but also of the world and it must be represented in the Parliament by a person of the caliber of Sanjay Tandon who was familiar with the city’s ethos and its problems.


Wait for June 4 for people’s mandate on my ‘balance sheet’: Tandon to Tewari

In a sharp retort aimed at Congress candidate Manish Tewari, the BJP's candidate for the LS seat in Chandigarh Sanjay Tandon on Sunday said: “It's regrettable and surprising that Tewari, who has been hopping from one constituency to another, leaving behind a trail of neglect, is now demanding a report card from me.” Tandon, attributing Tewari’s statements to frustration and the fear of losing the election, said: “As he is tired of giving hollow speeches in his rallies, he has resorted to irrational statements in order to brush his past follies under the carpet.”


Tandon asserted, "I want to remind Tewari that the people of Chandigarh know me and my work and have decided to endorse it on Jun 1 by voting for me…Those seeking my report card, will get their befitting response on June 4, as the discerning and educated electorate of the City Beautiful will vote for PM Modi’s development model and my proven track record.”

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