Circumstances decide for us

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Circumstances decide for us

Sunday, 27 January 2019 | Ajit Kumar Bishnoi

Circumstances decide for us

An intelligent human being is the one who realises the fact that most things in life are decided for him/her to a certain degree. Thorough knowledge of dharma can help one grasp this fully, says AJIT KUMAR BISHNOI

Let me add time and place to the circumstances. We are too small to decide anything. This is the stark reality. Consider these instances: Brazil had reached the final of the World Cup. However, their star player was nursing an injury. They had to decide whether to get him to play or not. They chose to include him and lost the final; he was well below his prime. Where did they go wrong? They did not go with the circumstances. An injured star player is no match for a fit replacement. America was not keen to join the Allied side. They did not wish to get involved in a bloody war. But when the Japanese attacked the Pearl Harbor base in Hawaii, Americans joined the Allied side. Circumstances had forced them to do so.

Two colleagues decided to get married to each other. After marriage, they moved into a rented flat. Earlier, they were living with their respective parents. Life was vastly different from the carefree existence in their parents’ homes. They had to make lots of adjustments in their routines. Circumstances had forced it upon them.

Technologies keep on changing — the advent of internet, cell phones, etc. Can we continue to use old technology without putting ourselves at a disadvantage? We have to gradually switch to the modern ways of communicating. One has finished his education. Time has come to make the important change of becoming self-sufficient by earning for oneself. This is not an option but a necessity. Children grow up. Can they be treated as they were when they were toddlers? No, their parents must begin to deal with them as friends; trying to force them can only make them more rebellious.

Old age has come. There must be changes in the nature of activities. Similarly, one has retired. No longer is one going to a workplace. There must be a different routine. Most importantly, God must become a very important part of life. Earlier, one could almost manage but not in the changed circumstances. Without an active link with God, people become despondent having suffered some setback or other. I have heard people say something to this effect, “Ham toh gaye.” Translated into English, one has lost hope. This consciousness is not conducive for the balance one needs in life. Circumstances demand change; one has no choice. Same is true in case of diseases like diabetes; one must make changes.

In all these instances, circumstances decide. Our intelligence is in seeing it this way, noting more. What will be most helpful in this regard? Good knowledge about what dharma is. This word is defined as truth or law which affects the whole universe. A more accurate understanding will be: Rules which should guide human behaviour. God promotes it. He goes to the extent of incarnating Himself when dharma is under threat, ie when there is decline in it, and there is ascendency of immorality. (Gita) Therefore, it is crucial for us to know its details. Most scriptures like The Gita have plenty of information about it.

Once we are familiar with it, we will know what proper behaviour is. We will understand that cooperation with others is the bedrock of creation. We will also know that making sacrifices brings enormous benefits. Dharma teaches us truthfulness, morality, love, compassion, etc. It alerts us about the dangers of lust, greed, anger, ego, jealously, etc. Once we have working knowledge of dharma, we will accept the fact that circumstances decide; we don’t. We should become wise to assess the circumstances well.

 Bishnoi is a spiritual writer and can be reached at

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