Cinema: A potent tool in global politics and cultural diplomacy

Cinema: A potent tool in global politics and cultural diplomacy

Tuesday, 16 July 2024 | Chaitanya K prasad

In our multipolar world, cinema has become a critical component of soft power, shaping global perceptions through its captivating narratives Movies have evolved far beyond mere entertainment; they now play a significant role in global politics and cultural relations. Through creative expressions, films harness the ecosystem comprising key stakeholders to nurture...

NATO: A legacy of conflict and controversy

NATO: A legacy of conflict and controversy

Saturday, 13 July 2024 | nilantha Ilangamuwa

As the alliance celebrates its 75th milestone, it faces scrutiny for its violations of international law and its failure to protect civilians in numerous conflicts The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), widely regarded as the most notorious and venomous military alliance in history, celebrated its 75th anniversary in Washington this week,...

India and US support for the Dalai Lama and Tibetans upsets China

Friday, 12 July 2024 | K S tomar

India and America's identical and unequivocal stance on Tibet has rattled China, highlighting the evolving geopolitical dynamics in Asia In a significant diplomatic move, both India and the United States have extended their support to the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan cause, provoking a strong reaction from China. The adoption of...

PM Modi's  Strategic Visit

PM Modi's Strategic Visit

Friday, 12 July 2024 | kumardeep banerjee

PM Modi’s visit to Russia underscores the importance of Russia in India's foreign policy This week marked several high-profile meetings amongst senior leaders around the globe, discussing primarily various conflicts and possible outcomes. PM Narendra Modi, in his first state visit during his third stint, visited Russia and Austria. The State...

A call for civility and integrity in democracy

A call for civility and integrity in democracy

Friday, 12 July 2024 | J.S. Rajput

The elected representatives must adhere to constitutional principles and the high standards set by the framers of the Constitution The Constitution and its makers Deserve Respect in a functional democracy, election times could indeed become a celebration time, not only the competing candidates and their partiers, but also for the for...

Union budget 2024-25: High hopes for transformative healthcare reforms

Thursday, 11 July 2024 | P N ARORA

Stakeholders seek investments and policy reforms in the budget to promote equitable access, innovation, and sustainability within the sector As Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman prepares to present the Union Budget for the fiscal year 2024-25, the healthcare sector stands poised with high expectations and pressing demands. Amidst the ongoing pandemic recovery...



Thursday, 11 July 2024 | SAKSHI SETHI

This approach can help differentiate individuals and create a culture of excellence Post-COVID-19, as organisations navigate the transition back to physical workspaces, they are embracing innovative strategies to bring their employees back to the workplace. One such strategy after coffee badging is ‘office peacocking’ which involves creating an environment to bring...

UGC introduces biannual admissions

UGC introduces biannual admissions

Thursday, 11 July 2024 | T V Kattimani

The dual-session method allows institutions to maintain the quality of education and resources, ensuring each student receives adequate attention and support  The Chairman, of UGC has announced that bi-annual admissions will happen from the session 2024-25. It has been mentioned that the admissions will occur twice once in the July-August...

Sunday Edition

Astroturf | Om – The Shabda Brahman

21 July 2024 | Bharat Bhushan Padmadeo | Agenda

A model for India's smart city aspirations

21 July 2024 | Gyaneshwar Dayal | Agenda

A tale of two countries India and China beyond binaries

21 July 2024 | Gyaneshwar Dayal | Agenda

Inspirations Behind Zaira and Authorship Journey

21 July 2024 | SAKSHI PRIYA | Agenda


21 July 2024 | Pawan Soni | Agenda