Hiranmay Karlekar

Hiranmay Karlekar


Hiranmay Karlekar is Consultant Editor of The Pioneer and former Editor of Hindustan Times. He has authored four books in English and two novels in Bengali

Urban violence: Human nature vs city life

Urban violence: Human nature vs city life

Saturday, 27 July 2024 | Hiranmay Karlekar

Urban violence and crime persist globally, often blamed on policing and socio-economic factors. However, the deeper cause is the conflict between urban life and human nature Urban violence and crime have been matters of continuing global concern. While the quality and adequacy of policing, and some social and economic factors, have...

Giving stray dogs  a bad name

Giving stray dogs a bad name

Saturday, 09 March 2024 | Hiranmay Karlekar

Stray dogs suffer because they cannot argue in their own defence in a human language A deficiency stray dogs suffer from, and that have sometimes proved fatal to them, is that they do not speak a human language. Thus, accused of attacking, and killing, a child, they cannot argue that the...

The boycott  at Doha

The boycott at Doha

Saturday, 24 February 2024 | Hiranmay Karlekar

The Taliban’s obscurantist mindset and their harbouring of terrorist organisations pose a serious threat to Muslim countries Given the obscurantist and misogynistic mindset of the Taliban, it is hardly surprising that they boycotted the conference, hosted by the United Nations, to discuss the humanitarian crisis facing Afghanistan, and cooperation on the...

The killing of a puppy: Murder most foul

The killing of a puppy: Murder most foul

Saturday, 10 February 2024 | Hiranmay Karlekar

The heartless and brutal killing of a puppy by a child in Greater NOIDA must cause serious concern and introspection The Pioneer reported on February 5, 2024, a shocking act of cruelty in which a child living in a high-rise building in Gaur City in Greater NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh, threw a...

Pakistan faces bitter fallout with Taliban

Pakistan faces bitter fallout with Taliban

Saturday, 27 January 2024 | Hiranmay Karlekar

Pakistan deserves little sympathy for the violence it is suffering. Sowing the wind in Afghanistan, Pakistan is reaping the whirlwind The bitter falling out between Pakistan and Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers is one of the striking ironies of contemporary history. Islamabad could not have done more for the Taliban. It was instrumental...

Myanmar’s Junta in retreat

Myanmar’s Junta in retreat

Saturday, 13 January 2024 | Hiranmay Karlekar

The situation in Myanmar is in a flux. The Three Brotherhood Alliance’s offensive continues with its triumphant progress It has been over two months since the Three Brotherhood Alliance (henceforth the Alliance) launched their co-ordinated military offensive against Myanmar’s ruling Junta on 27 October 2023. Comprising the Myanmar National Democratic...

Sunday Edition

Astroturf | Om – The Shabda Brahman

21 July 2024 | Bharat Bhushan Padmadeo | Agenda

A model for India's smart city aspirations

21 July 2024 | Gyaneshwar Dayal | Agenda

A tale of two countries India and China beyond binaries

21 July 2024 | Gyaneshwar Dayal | Agenda

Inspirations Behind Zaira and Authorship Journey

21 July 2024 | SAKSHI PRIYA | Agenda


21 July 2024 | Pawan Soni | Agenda