Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Monday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for having the Veer Surendra Sai Airport in Jharsuguda as a stopover for one of the Air India (AI) flights from Bhubaneswar to Delhi.“Jharsuguda is located strategically in the industrial and mining belt of Odisha and is a critical point of connectivity to western Odisha. During inauguration of the Jharsuguda airport on 22.09.2018, I had offered full support of the State Government for running of commercial flights and had requested for commencing Air India flight operations from Jharsuguda to Delhi,” the Chief Minister wrote.
“One of the existing flights from Bhubaneswar to Delhi could have a stopover at Jharsuguda, connecting it immediately with New Delhi and Bhubaneswar,” Patnaik suggested in the letter, requesting the PM to instruct the Air India authorities to take immediate steps for fulfilling the aspirations of the people of western Odisha to have air connectivity.